Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where did June go?

I look back over the month and realize I have missed posting on so many things. It has already been one full summer! We have enjoyed the lazy, long days of summer--eating, playing, swimming, seeing friends, occasionally fussing at each other (ha!), celebrating our wonderful daddies, learning new tricks, resting (really passing out from exhaustion), and doing our very best to cherish these times together. Fall will be here before we know it and a whole new schedule will begin. Here are just a few of my favorite shots over the last month.

So tired..................

Fun with friends

Celebrating with our Fathers


jenni said...

cute pics--but i love the one with caitlyn & the hula hoop--it's priceless!!!

miss you & i hope you are having a good week!

christy said...

Those are great!!! Are pictures a wonderful thing! I love sleeping on the floor by the front door - I feel like that sometimes, too!! MaryAnn, I've had 2 dreams about 'college Christy and MaryAnn' this week. So funny!! miss you!

Amy said...

Glad you guys are having a good summer. June was CRAZY (but fun!) for us and I'm glad it's over! I'm hoping that in July we'll get to slow down and enjoy a lazy summer for a while! Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!

Traci said...

I love the picture of the girls asleep in the car! It looks like you guys are busy but having a blast! Traci