Friday, August 6, 2010

JUNE...."Falling in LOVE with Caleb"

I have come to the resolve that I am going to have to "let go" and be behind on blogging for now. I so wanted to do a week by week blog of the summer, but as I QUICKLY learned...nothing is going to get done like I want it to for a long while!!! One of the many lessons I am learning as a "new" mommy again is letting go of my control and letting my Heavenly Father lead my day. Oh, I needed to be molded and reminded of that again!!! an effort to live in the moment more, I am going to do a recap by month of our summer. Maybe...maybe I will be able to update more often in a few's to positive thinking!!!

Highlights of June
-Bringing home our Caleb and falling in love all over again!!!
-Family and friends overwhelming us with care and attention.
-Caitlyn lost both top teeth.
-Dressing up....of course!!!
-Caroline learned to ride a bike without training wheels!
-Swimming lessons with "Miss" Glenda and friends.
We loved our sign, girls!!!

LOTS of hugs and kisses...........

Your sisters CANNOT get enough of you, buddy!!!

Sleepy, lazy days......................

Learning how to hold Caleb....

We spent hours just staring at you and your precious faces!!!

Caleb and "BIG"
Caleb and "BIG BIG"

"I like this guy!!!"

A sweet "smile" as you drift off to sleep!!

Practicing being "Mommy!"

My awesome cousin, Price, is ready for me to grow up and PLAY!!!


Cousin Josue' and I are 18 months apart...........can't wait to go see him in CANCUN and make fun memories!!!

Mariana loves holdin me....I sure will miss her lap when she is gone!!!

Me and my Big Daddy!

Mimi and Papa are in heaven....with their first GRANDSON!!!

Mama Jean holds me....I am her first great grandson.

Our snaggle tooth girl!!!!!!!!!!!
Nervous at first.............

You had it down in no time, Caroline!!!!!!!!!!! We took a week of lessons from "Miss Glenda". It was wonderful!!! You both learned so many new things. Here you are learning to float on your back, Caitlyn.
Caroline, you were so nervous about diving...but you DID it....and did it so well!!!
It was so fun to do it with our friends...the Miloms and Dunsmores.

Lots of naps, too....Caleb doesn't seem to know we are supposed to sleep AT NIGHT!!! Baby steps, right.........


Deborah said...

This post made my day! So happy to get an update whenever you feel like you can do it.

Caleb is such a beautiful baby, and he has such a sweet family to be a part of.

(Made me miss Ms. Glenda...)