Saturday, August 22, 2009

Schools in!!!

In some ways, this is how we all felt getting up early last week to start another year. The laid back days of summer are soooo nice!!! It's never easy starting something new and this year was no different. We had not thought too much about school with the Millers being here and it really crept up on us. Caitlyn, you hadn't said a lot about it until we put you to bed the night before your first day. I'm sure some of it was nerves and some was just from being overtired, but you cried yourself to sleep. We talked in depth about how the school routine would soon seem so normal again and about all the new things you will learn this year (reading and math especially) and about all the new friends yet to be made. It took you all of one day to get your smile back about being at school and in the 1st grade!!!

Day two and all smiles with your teacher, Mrs. Upton.

Caroline, you on the otherhand, couldn't wait to start school. You get to be in the exact same room as last year, just with a new teacher. Here you are on Snoopy Day with "Miss" Amanda. We love her already!!!!!!!!!!!

I love this picture! You are such a big girl, pre-kindergartener!!! The biggest change for you is that, instead of just going two days, you are now going three. It's so hard to believe I will be dropping you both off next year five days a week. Oh....mercy, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's just get started and enjoy this year!!!! Stay in the moment, momma!!!


Elizabeth said...

Love Caitlyn's face in that first picture! Bless her heart...I'm sure my face looks like that many mornings! :)

So glad they are off to a great start!

JulesR said...

I hope your girls have a wonderful school year. They are growing up so fast!