An old friend of mine recently asked me to describe your relationship. My answer....."They love each other, but they don't act like it most of the time". Through this blog I can paint a very pretty picture when I write to you, but our days are rarely that. Most days are filled with bickering,whining, fussing, competing, and lots of tears. I know it's normal, but oh, how it can drain me!!! Sometimes, if I don't laugh, I would just sit down and cry.
Tonight was one of those times. It was bath night. Here is how it went.
Laughter...pretending with your mermaids. Things seem pleasant. I step out for a few minutes.
Then, I hear, "It's mine." "No, it's mine. I had it first!" "Quit, Caroline! You weren't playing with it." "But I had it first!" I hear water splashing over the tub..and I winced.....hear it comes.... "Aahhhh. (tears) Mommy!!!! Mommy!!" I go in and see you two pulling a doll back and forth. "Mommy, She just took the doll away from me." "I did not. She wasn't even playing with it...(crying). She pulled my hair." I try to mediate. Caitlyn you get upset and say with sass , "I just want to wash my hair and body and get out of here!" (I'm thinking, great! Let's get it done.) Caroline then pipes in..."No! I want to go first. You told me I could go first, Mommy!"
Typically, niether of you want to EVER go fight not to! This is when I began to laugh...if it's not one thing, it's the other. So...after months of threatening to split you up at bath times, I really think it is time finally follow through!!!
November 2013
11 years ago
Oh, Mary Ann, we really should talk more often. Bathtime sounds exactly the same way at our house (except for the fact that my girls cannot express themselves with words quite as well). If only I could remember to laugh more often!
This kind of reminds me of a lady (with 4 college age kids at this point) who told me that in order to keep sane when she had a 5 yr old, 3 yr old and twin babies... she did this thing... when she was stressed... no matter where she was...
She would stomp her foot, throw up both hands, and yell "TA-DA" 3 times in a row. How can you not laugh at yourself at that point!! I've never tried it... but I've always remembered it!! ;)
Thanks, Amy!!! I'm going to try it...the girls will probably laugh, too...which might get their mind off of each other and their arguing!!!
Bless you. Those moments can be so stressful after a long day.
Virgil and I use bath time to have special time one on one with our kids. He bathes Lucas while Cameron and I play. I dress Lucas while he bathes Cameron, I dress Cameron while daddy reads to Lucas and play a short puzzle game. Then we have a family minute for prayer and mommy hold you mommy/daddy hold you daddy. Just a is the end of the day, we are all tired, we all need extra love and patience including mom and dad. It is easier one on one. I know daddy is not always home, but when I am alone I still take care of one kid at a time while a bonus movie contributes to the scene.
I love you friend. Hang in there. IT IS ALWAYS something, so save the extra energy for the most important battles.
This post made me laugh out loud! These girls and their drama. I can relate. I loved the birthday post, too.
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